- 民族:汉族
- 年龄:74
- 出生日期:1950年
- 性别:男
- 国家:中国
- 中文名:胡为善
- 外文名:John Hu
- 籍贯:台湾
- 出生地:台湾
- 出生国家:中华人民共和国
- 毕业院校:奥克拉荷马大学
- 职业:教育工作者
- 代表作品:胡为善教授著作与研究
- 父亲:胡宗南
- 主要成就:中原大学副校长
John Wei-Shan Hu, Chun-Hung Chang (2007), “Euro/USD Currency Oprion Valuation Combining Two Artificial Neural Network Models and Three Volatilities”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance(EI), Vol.0 , No.0 p.578-584. , (EI期刊).
John Wei-Shan Hu, Chun-Hsiang Chuan (2006), “The Relationships among Share Repurchases, Employee Stock Ownership Plan and Real Investment Expenditure in Taiwan: An Empirical Study”, International Journal of Management, Vol.23 , No.1 .
胡为善,黄美玲 (2002), “Simulated Study of Mergers of High-Quality Domestic Banks in Taiwan”, Chung Yuan Journal, Vol.30 , No.4 p.429-438. .
Hu, John Wei-Shan and Chung-Chung Hsu (2001), “An Investigation of Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance in Taiwan”, Chung Yuan Journal, Vol.29 , No.2 p.137-146. .
Hu, John Wei-Shan and Chao-Ching Yu (2000), “A Comparative Analysis Between Asian Options and Standard Currency Option”, International Journal of Management, Vol.17 , No.2 p.206-217. .
W.S. Hu (2000), “A Comparative Analysis Between Asian Options and Standard Currency Options”, International Journal of Management, Vol.17 , No.2 p.206-217. .
W.S. Hu (2000), “Causality and Cointegration of Stock Markets among the United States, Japan and the South China Growth Triangle”, International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol.9 , No.3 p.281-297. .
胡为善 (2000), “从基金经理人意见看台湾伦理投资之可行性研究”, 中原学报, Vol.28 , No.2 p.23-31. .
Hu John,Wei-Shan,Wen-Jen Sung (1999), “Using Three Value-at-Risk Models toMeasure the Financial Risk of Various Portfolios Including Taiwan and HongKong Stock Indices and International Currencies During the Asian CrisisPeriod”, Chung Yuan Journal, Vol.27 , No.2 p.33-48. .
Hu John,Wei-Shan,Wei-Yi Tsai (1999), “An Empirical Comparison of the Factor Sensitivity and Monte Carlo Methods of Valuing Risk”, International Journal of Management, Vol.16 , No.4 p.562-573. .
Hu, John Wei-Shan , Yeh-Hsiu Chan (1998), “An Empirical Study of the Impact of Stock Index Futures on the Spot Stock Price Volatility of the Nikkei 225 Index and S&P 500 Index”, Chung Yuan Journal, Vol.26 , No.4 p.21-33. .
Hu, John Wei-Shan, Chung-Hsiang Chuan (2004), “The Relationship among Share Repurchase, Employee Stock Ownership Plan and Real Investment in Taiwan: An Empirical Analysis”, the 79th WEA Annual Conference , Vancouver, Canada.
胡为善, 萧守正 (2004), “从企业伦理面探讨企业蓄意接管对目标公司经营绩效之影响”, 2004海峡两岸优质企业经营管理研讨会 , 广州中山大学.
Hu, John Wei-Shan, Tai-Juan Chiu (2004), “Relationship Between Stock Price Trends in the Taiwanese and the U.S. Internet Sector”, the 79th WEA Annual Conference , Vancouver, Canada.
John Wei-Shan Hu , Tai-Juan Chiu (2002), “Internet Pricing Relationship Between Stock Price Trends in the Taiwanese and the U.S. Internet Sector”, 第二届泛太平洋企业暨经济学术研讨会 , 中原大学国际会议厅.
Hu, John Wei-Shan and Mei-Lin Huang (2001), “A Simulated Study of the Mergers of High-Quality Domestic Banks in Taiwan”, XI ACME International conference of Pacific Rim Management , Toronto, Canada.
Hu, John Wei-Shan and Chin-Chin HSU (2001), “An Investigation of Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance in Taiwan”, the 76th WEA Annual Conference , San Francisco, USA.
W.S. Hu and C.F. Tung (2000), “Using Three Models to Test Lookback Call Uptions: The Simulated Case for UMC and CIC”, 75th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association , Vancouver.
Hu, John ,Wei-Shan , Chun-Fu Tung (2000), “Testing of Lookback Call Options by Using Three Models:Case Studies of United Microelectronic Corporation and Cathy Life Insurance Company”, 75th WEA Annual Conference , Vancouver,Canada.
Hu, John Wei-Shan and Shu-Chen Huang (2000), “The Simulated Study of Socially Responsible Investing in Taiwan”, The X ACME International Conference of Pacific Rim Management , New York, USA..
Hu, John Wei-Shan and Chun-Fu Tung (2000), “Testing of Lookback Call Options by Using Three Models: Case Studies of United Microelectronic Corporation and Cathy Life Insurance Company”, 75th WEA Annual Conference , Vancouver, Canada.
Hu John,Wei-Shan,Wen-Jung Sung (1999), “Using three Value-at-Risk(VAR) Models to Measure the Financial Risk of Various Portfolios including Asian Stock Indices and International Currencies During the Asian Crisis Period”, 6th Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society , Toroto Canada.
胡为善,董春福 (1999), “Testing of Lookback Call Options by UsingThree Models: Case Studies of United Microelectronic Corporation and Cathy Life Insurance Company”, 第八届证券暨金融市场之理论与实务研讨会 , 高雄中山大学.
Hu, John W. and Wei-Yi Tsai (1998), “The Empirical Study on Two Common Methods of Measuring The Value at Risk-Factor Sensitivity Method and Monte Carlo Simulation Method”, Tenth Annual PACA/FMA Finance conference , Kuala Lumper, Malaysia.
胡为善,黄淑贞 (1998), “The Feasibility Study of Socially Responsible Investing in Taiwan”, 第七届证券暨金融市场之理论与实务研讨会 , 高雄中山大学.
胡为善,宋文仁 (1998), “Using Value-at-Risk(VAR) Models to Measure the Financial Risk of Various Portfolios including Stock Index and Currencies”, 第七届证券暨金融市场之理论与实务研讨会 , 高雄中山大学.
胡为善 (2000), “社会责任与伦理投资-金融风暴时期的投资之道” , 经济伦理与永续发展 .
胡为善,胡业民 (2000), “一千两银子埋在地里?” , 伦理投资的实践 .
胡为善,叶先扬 (1999), “全人教育与现代化企业伦理及工程伦理” , 海峡两岸现代化大学的使命与高等教育现代化学术研讨会 .
胡为善,简俱扬,戚务君,王敏茹,冯震宇 (1998), “唐荣钢铁厂委托计划‘建立民营化会计及内部控制制度之研究’” .
胡为善 (2004), “胡为善教授著作与研究” , 教师论文 .
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有巢氏,简称“有巢“或”巢”,号“大巢氏”,华夏族,位列五氏之首,被誉为华夏“第一人文始祖”。 中国上古时期部落首领,建立古巢国。有巢氏出生在安徽省巢湖流域,后迁徙至山西省石楼山一带。 有学者认为有巢氏出生在苍梧,立都河南舞阳。 也有史学家认为有巢氏生活在山东、四川
笔名礼赞,河南省美术家协会会员、郑州市美术家协会会员。东北师范大学美术学专业毕业,学士学位。河南泌阳县人,1996年出生。绘画作品多次在全国省市级比赛中获奖,并被多家艺术单位永久收藏。 自幼喜欢诗词书画,在中学时期,坚持练习绘画基本功,每天放学后,在画室练习至深夜,冬夏不弃,多才多艺,传统美学、诗词、篆刻、鉴赏均有涉猎。其绘画作品工写兼备,尤以写意花鸟为长,与古为新,风格秀逸严谨。
张霖,女,国家一级美术师,中国书画研究院艺术委员会委员,中国美术家协会会员 。河南美术教育学会会员、河南美术家协会副秘书长。大红袍筹备画家。 从小就喜欢书画,几十年来,一直把书画作为精神生活中的一大乐趣和爱好。多年来,在注重吸收古代大师营养的同时,也经常到国内外参观、参加书画展,从中汲取精华。书法绘画风格从不求
张黎,1965年生,河南商丘人,中国当代画家.1986年毕业于河南大学美术专业,后进修于中央美术学院,修山水,书法,画论,篆刻等.山水画致力于线、面、色、墨的和谐统一,以舒缓当风的线与掷重苍浑的面结合,或墨融于彩,或簌彩于墨,营造出独具匠心的中国精神和东方意境,形成了意新情浓、潇洒雄奇、宽舒荡漾的色彩斑斓的水墨世界。 其画作不求